reggie graham IV

AMDP ’21

Reggie Graham is proud to serve as Vice President of Maharger Development Company in Dallas, TX. Maharger is a small family company specializing in “Office space for creative companies”TM, led by his father who was trained as an architect at the GSD. Reggie has been involved with the company as it grew from it’s first building in downtown Dallas to a total of seventeen buildings covering 4.2 contiguous acres within the CBD. Reggie fulfills many roles within the company from acquisition, management, to disposition. In 2017-2018 Reggie successfully negotiated the sale of the portfolio to a single buyer after 35 years of ownership and development. The company is now in a new position in the marketplace and he has assisted in developing new investment strategies, evaluating potential opportunities, and has managed the contract process on new acquisitions. In order to adapt to this new role, Reggie has immersed himself in further education, and proudly graduated with the 2021 Class of the Advanced Management Development Program (AMDP) and is honored to have the opportunity to serve with the Harvard Alumni Real Estate Board. Most importantly, he is a dedicated father to his son; actively engaged with Dad’s club, the PTA, little league sports, and afternoons at the go kart track.