harvard/usc virtual summit 2021

Thursday, February 25, 2021 Cont.

1:45-2:15 pm est, zoom

Breakout Session I

Capital Markets
Discussion Leaders
Dan Neidich, Dune Real Estate Partners
and Kev Zoryan, Morgan Stanley
Discussion Leaders
Fred Cooper, Toll Brothers
and Jamie Lee, Jamison
Retail / Hospitality
Discussion Leaders
Nadine Watt, Watt Companies
Mike Friedman, CBRE

2:15-2:45 pm est, zoom

Breakout Session II

Capital Markets

Discussion Leaders
Dan Neidich, Dune Real Estate Partners
and Kev Zoryan, Morgan Stanley
Discussion Leaders
Fred Cooper, Toll Brothers
and Scott Laurie, The Olson Company
Discussion Leaders
Franz Colloredo Mansfeld, Cabot Properties
and David Dollinger, Dollinger Properties
Discussion Leaders
Lisa Picard, Equity Office
Richard Green, USC
Retail / Hospitality
Discussion Leaders
Nadine Watt, Watt Companies
Mike Friedman, CBRE

2:45-3:00 pm est, zoom

Wrap-up and Closing Remarks

Richard Green
Chair, Wilbur H. Smith III Department of Real Estate Development
Director and Chair, Lusk Center for Real Estate, USC

Richard Peiser
Michael D. Spear Professor of Real Estate Development
Harvard Graduate School of Design

Thursday, February 25, 2021

noon-12:10 pm est, zoom

Opening Remarks

Richard Green
Chair, Wilbur H. Smith III Department of Real Estate Development
Director and Chair, Lusk Center for Real Estate, USC

Richard Peiser
Michael D. Spear Professor of Real Estate Development
Harvard Graduate School of Design

12:10-1:10 pm est, zoom

Richard Florida
University Professor
University of Toronto’s School of Cities and Rotman School of Management
Distinguished Fellow at NYU and FIU
and Co-Founder and Senior Editor, The Atlantic City Lab

In Conversation with

Ed Glaeser
Fred and Eleanor Glimp Professor of Economics
Harvard University

1:05-1:25 pm est, zoom

Public Health and the Economy
Dana Goldman
Interim Dean and Professor
Sol Price School of Public Policy
University of South California

1:25-1:45 pm est, zoom

Diversity and Inclusion in Real Estate
James DeFrancia
President Community Development
Lowe Enterprise

Please contact Cynthia Henshall at (617) 866-8670 or cynthiah@harvardareb.org /Ravaut Benitez at (213) 821-5468 or rbenitez@price.usc.edu.