Given the uncertainty and sudden and significant halt to growth that COVID-19 has brought to the global economy, the Harvard Alumni Real Estate Board has formulated digital content that will allow our membership community to connect virtually to University thought leaders who will offer insights and provide timely and relevant information on the impact of the pandemic. Details on the speakers and topics that will be covered are outlined below.

Sarah Fortune
John LaPorte Given Professor of Immunology and Infectious Diseases
Chair, Department of Immunology and Infectious Diseases
Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
Emerging Consensus and Persistent Controversies in Understanding SARS-CoV2

This event was made possible through the generosity of
Brooks Holstein (AMDP '05)
Comvest Properties, LLC

VIDEO II SLIDES (Password protected member portal)

Linda Hill
Wallace Brett Donham Professor of Business Administration 
and Chair, Leadership Initiative
Harvard Business School
Leading through the Fog of a Pandemic

VIDEO ll SLIDES (Password protected member portal)

Dutch Leonard
George F. Baker, Jr. Professor of Public Management
Harvard Kennedy School
and Eliot I. Snider Family Professor of Business Administration
Harvard Business School
Leading Through Crisis

VIDEO ll SLIDES (Password protected member portal)